I am sitting here, cozy in my sweat pants and hoodie, rocking my Black Sabbath t-shirt and devouring this cup of black coffee as I type this money love letter.


This will be the second to last money love letter of the 2022 year.


I am filled with gratitude. Thank you for being here. You have no idea how much it means to me for you to invest your time and energy reading these money love letters. Time is the most powerful currency, and it's one you don't get back. I say this because I REALLY mean it when I say how grateful I am for you being here. :') 


Today I want to talk about building resilience. I talk about this A LOT, but this is more of a personal journey for me. If you aren't following My Gold Standard on the gram' you probably don't know this but I signed up for a four week boxing bootcamp!


I am on my third week, and I feel like a completely different person.


Obviously, I know I am still lil ol' me! But what is different is that I am reunited with my body and it feels so, so incredible.


I never had a good relationship with my body. I have trauma, and developed CPTSD. My body = a cage and I spent most of my life completely disassociated from it.


When I was IN my body, even in really wonderful ways - I would weep. I remember a year ago, being on my yoga mat, and crying after practice because I felt how hard it was to be IN my body again. Back then, I wasn't ready to handle a boot camp let alone a 30 minute yoga practice. 


But this year, I really wanted to end 2022 with a reunion.


With commitment.


With discipline.


With a whole lot of self compassion.


With strength.


With love.


And that's how I've been feeling these last two weeks. I show up every day for this bootcamp, Monday through Friday, at 6AM. It is a ritual for my body now, and I never thought I was capable of doing any of this.


So what does being in your body have to do with money and wealth?


A whole lot I am learning.


Being in reunion with our bodies is such an important pillar within holistic wealth.


Holistic wealth is not a one size fits all. For me?


It's not restricting myself to a limiting budget, AND it's also being intentional with my spending.


It's facing my finances no matter how much I want to avoid them out of fear. 


It's prioritizing my financial dreams and aspirations.


It's taking responsibility for my mental and physical health. 


And it's believing I have so much financial agency and power, no matter how much this economic system tries to tell me I don't.


My body shows me how resilient I am. 


I think, “It's not possible” or “I'm not strong enough” and time and time again, as I am more in my body, I see how much I doubt…but my body is powerful.


“I'm the medicine, I have the answers,” my dear friend said to me this morning speaking for my/our bodies.


It's true. No matter the financial uncertainty, my body holds so much wisdom.


This is wealth.


I have a whole team that makes all of the above possible. 


I have a therapist, a business coach, an incredible virtual assistant, a boxing trainer, and a whole community (hi hello, it's you!) that holds me up and reminds me just how powerful I am/we are.


If you're struggling - trust me. I get it. 


The journey is not linear.


But I want to encourage you to do something this week, and perhaps, do this more and more in your life.


Ask for help. 


They say it takes a village, and that's because it's supposed to.


Receive the support you are so worthy of. It is easier said than done, but this year was the year of receiving more support than I ever have…


and it's been so beautiful to finally receive.


This is what holistic wealth is all about.


Reciprocity. :') 


Stay Shiny,


