WHEW. I am currently writing this money love letter from my bed. I went to a spooky show last night and was just FLOATING on cloud 9.

I don't know if it's just being in your thirties, or what it is, but there are moments where my inner child/teenager just comes out to play and last night was one of those nights. I had a blast. The music (shout out to Twin Temple and Bridge City Sinners) was incredible, and I even saw kids dancing and blowing bubbles in the crowd.

Going to live shows and traveling always remind me of how I actually want to live my life vs how I think I should be living my life.

So of course, it got me thinking.

If I wanted to retire early and not be beholden to working, what would that look like?

Look, I LOVE MY JOB. I do.

AND, I still very much dislike that I have to make money.

So, what would it look like if I was making money, but without the pressure or urgency of have to…

What would it feel like if work and making money in that form of exchange was….optional?

There are so many stories I see/hear about people that moved to another country, like this family who left the Bay Area and retired in Portugal, or this woman who moved to Mexico after she lost her job.

I want to let you in one a semi secret of mine…

I'm planning to live abroad, too.

After my partner and I spent two weeks in Italy, embracing complete hedonism…

guess what?

our budget stayed pretty much the same.

Each month we spend $6,300.

That is $75,600/year for two people in the Bay Area.

Some of you might see that number and think that's bonkers expensive. Some of you might see that number and think WOW that's SO little!

But when I saw this number, I was thrilled.

I didn't view it as anything but information.

I don't want to spend that money, living here in the Bay Area.

So I did a FIRE calculation. FIRE stands for “financial independence retire early” but for me, it just means work optional.

If I really wanted to, I could be work optional by 45. That's if I DO stay in the Bay Area.

This wouldn't come with any cost cutting. This is just based on our annual spending, each year.

If I moved to let's say, Portugal…and lived off of $3,000/month. Hell, Let's say $4,000. We could retire by 39.

I AM 31, Y'ALL.

When the FIRE movement became such a big thing, it didn't really appeal to me.

All I saw was a bunch of people moving into tiny homes, eating top ramen, and/or moving in with their parents.

There is no shame in that, but it's not something I wanted to do. Okay, maybe I do love a good tiny home…

But FIRE was not a goal of mine if it meant sacrifice. I didn't want to deprive myself of the things I desire.

Now, as I revisit this goal…to be work optional is the ultimate freedom in my heart and soul.

Next year, I plan to be in a different country every season. So far, here is what I'm thinking:

  • Spring: Medellín, Colombia or Amman, Jordan

  • Summer: Kalispell, Montana or somewhere in Europe (still debating this one!)

  • Fall: Iloilo, Phillippines

  • Winter: TBD

psssst….if you have any recommendations for any of the above places, or if I should add any locations hit me up!

I want to learn multiple languages. I want to eat delicious food from all over the world. I want time and space for leisure activities such as painting and writing poetry. I want to be immersed in nature. I want to be in WATER, a lot! I want real, authentic, and beautiful conversations with strangers AND loved ones.

This is my dream for 2023.

I know that there is still talks of a recession looming (or that we are in one already), but I want to make it loud and clear that I, and you, can still dream.

Not in the “I have dreams but it'll never happen” kind of dream.

I mean DREAM and that it is possible to make it a reality.

What's your dream? What's currently setting your heart and soul on fire?

Tell me! I want to hear it all.

Until next time, loves.




Happy Birthday, My Gold Standard!